This week has been challenging. As part of my fundraising activities, I had decided to put together some of the information and witchcraft methods I have learned over my years of practice and turn them into useful PDFs that people would hopefully buy.
The first one (on cleansing) was easy enough. I used the files that I have written in the past, edited them where necessary and added new information. Fairly straightforward and it was completed in a day. It is now listed on my Ko-Fi shop
For my second one, I decided to be a bit more ambitious. I planned to put together all of the prayers and devotional poetry that I have written (I am a devotee of the Morrigan, and have been for years). As well as including my previous work, I was going to include a little backstory about the writing of each piece. I started with the Introduction, and it has already evolved into even more than I originally planned. This book (because that is what it is turning into) is going to take a lot of time and work. I am both excited and anxious, if I am honest.
This week has not gone the way I hoped. For the first three days, my son was home from school because he wasn’t well. Then everyone kept messaging me and my concentration was constantly broken. As a neurodivergent person, it is incredibly difficult for me to return to working when I am constantly interrupted. Even when I straight up told people I was working on something, I was still being messaged. I turned off all of my notifications and decided to take a couple of days away from as many distractions as I could to make writing easier.
Today is day 5, and my son was sent home from school. I spent the morning trying to organise getting him home or getting him the medication he needed (I do not drive, and his Father had an appointment he couldn’t miss). Eventually it became obvious that it was just better to get him home, which was what happened.
Thankfully, I had managed to organise for him to go to stay with his Father for the weekend. He has just been collected, so now I only have the cats and my noisy neighbours to contend with. I will be wearing various sets of headphones for most of the weekend, and doing my best to get a lot of work done.
I have heard that writing is difficult and that writers often have to deal with distractions, that they struggle to write because other people won’t respect their need to concentrate. This is the first time I have ever experienced it for myself. I think it is safe to say that I do not like it!